Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thing #2: 7 1/2 habits for lifelong learning

In order to be a lifelong learner, I believe you have to be open to learning from anyone in any situation. I think learning requires a positive attitude even in uncomfortable situations. I enjoyed reading the 7 1/2 Habits and recognized myself in all of them. I think the easiest habit for me to follow is #2 Accepting responsibility for your own learning. When I'm passionate about gaining knowledge in something, I throw myself into the learning process with gusto and love every minute. My weakest habit is #6 Using technology to your advantage. My main obstacles to developing this habit are lack of knowledge and time. I'm looking forward to all the knowledge and applications I will be learning in this course!

1 comment:

  1. accepting responsibility for your own learning surely comes in handy these days with so many new and exciting things coming at us from all directions at all times! I suspect you will change your feelings about that pesky #6 as a result of this class! Be sure and share as time progresses!
